Machine Embroidery Design Selection

Machine Embroidery Design Selection

In machine embroidery, it's essential not only to choose the right fabric or purchase stabilizers that significantly improve the process and results. The design itself also plays a significant role because not all options can be embroidered on various fabrics. Each category of materials requires specific design parameters to ensure neat and high-quality embroidery results.

Examples of Design Selection for Embroidery

Let's consider several basic options for design selection:

  1. Linear Technique Designs: Suitable for materials without pronounced texture, with slight looseness.

  2. Richelieu Embroidery: Not recommended for knits and overly elastic fabrics.

  3. Cross-Stitch Technique: Avoid designs with very large elements for overly stretchy fabrics, as it may affect the item's elasticity.

  4. Thin and Transparent Fabrics: Avoid using designs with dense fill and large elements.

  5. Applique Designs: Consider the properties of both the base fabric and the applique fabric.

  6. Chevron and Patch Designs: Selected considering the characteristics of embroidery on non-elastic, dense materials with stabilizer.

  7. Lace Designs: Keep in mind that they are embroidered on water-soluble or heat-dissolvable stabilizers, organza, or tulle.

How to Choose Design Parameters?

Usually, design parameters are set based on the properties of the materials used for embroidery. For example, if a textured, plush, or elastic fabric is selected for work, sometimes one stabilizer is not enough. In such cases, design correction is necessary to achieve quality results. With materials that have high permeability, caution is needed to avoid dense designs and frequent stitches.

Experts advise being careful with designs downloaded from unreliable sources. This is because settings may change during work, and the design may have certain defects. Each time a file is converted, its original appearance is lost, so it will be necessary to work on it and make relevant changes before embroidery.

Initially, the design author takes into account the fabric's density, thickness, elasticity, shrinkage, weave, and selected stabilizer. Therefore, even with a good-quality file downloaded from the internet, certain adjustments will be required according to the materials you choose. Therefore, it's crucial to test a portion of the design on a swatch of the same fabric and stabilizer to ensure the chosen option is correct.

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